And how many times have you thought, “Okay! Tomorrow I’ll try to cut back” and tomorrow comes and as the day wears on you are frantically scrambling to find something sweet to fill the gap left by your “healthier planned choice”?
And how many times have you read the labels or looked up the sugar content of your treat choices and actually knew how the chosen treat measures up to what your recommended daily amount is for sugar consumption?
Does a few times, many times and never - in that order to these questions above sound about right?
These are just 3 of 7 situations that can be strong signs that you’re avoiding dealing with your Sugar Crush habit.
Let’s look at the other four.
One of the big signs, which is also the first step in dealing with your Sugar Crush before you can take the next steps to breaking it off, is acknowledging that you have a Sugar Crush that needs to be dealt with.
You can’t decide to deal with or change something if you don’t actually believe or acknowledge that something needs to be changed.
Another sign is that you are avoiding even knowing the nutritional facts about your Sugar Crush. Have you ever looked up how much sugar is in your morning “Double Double” or Grande Vanilla Latte?
I won’t get into the actual numbers here, but I encourage you to look them up. Check it out on your coffee company’s website. Or their competitors site to get an idea of those amounts of sugar consumption numbers.
And then there’s the sign involving looking at your overall food choices.
If the majority of choices are dialed high on the sweet side (sweet sauces, dairy products with added sugar, the sweetest fruits) and you aren’t adjusting any of these choices either, this can be another sign that you’re avoiding dealing with your Sugar Crushes.
And if you’re thinking - “Oh I can just work it off “ — do you really work it off, or again are you lying to yourself?
And if you do in fact run for 2.5 hours in a week to work off that sugary drink, have you considered how damaging sugar can be to your digestive track by increasing inflammation or your ability to focus mentality, or have naturally higher energy ? And the list goes on.
1) You don’t acknowledge that you have a serious sugar crush that needs dealing with.
2) You don’t know the nutritional facts on your Sugar Crushes.
3) Your foods choices all around are dialed up high on the sweetness scale.
4) You allow yourself sugary treats with the intention of “working it off”.
5) You are lying about how much sugar you are eating or hiding it.
6) You have trouble actually skipping a day or two without your sugar indulgence.
7) You don’t know how much sugar you should be limiting to consuming in a day.
When you want to get serious about dealing with your Sugar Crush and no longer avoid it, I can help.
In my 3 Steps to Breaking Up with Your Sugar Crush program I help you easily let go of your Sugar Crushes.
Click on the link to learn more about this 30 Day Breaking Up with Your Sugar Crush Program.
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