Do you have a favourite sweet drink or “snack” that is your go-to when you are needing an emotional pick-me-up?
Are there certain feelings that have you automatically reaching for this “Sugar Crush” of yours?
And when you’re at work and these certain feelings happen to surface, even if you’ve tried your best to “resist”, do they wear you down enough that you eventually relent to your Sugar Crush callings?
How many times have you lied about the number of cookies or treats you’ve just inhaled, or said that you “never usually have these and just have to try them”, or some other excuse to cover up the truth?
And how many times have you thought, “Okay! Tomorrow I’ll try to cut back” and tomorrow comes and as the day wears on you are frantically scrambling to find something sweet to fill the gap left by your “healthier planned choice”?
When your schedule is filled with project deadlines, meetings and endless emails, it’s no wonder that other things get lower on your list of priorities.
Such as taking a closer look at how much sugar is in your morning coffee order or those afternoon snacks you shoved into your lunch for that late afternoon “pick me up”.
If there was one simple thing that you could do to make a positive change for your body and overall health, this would be it! Knowing how much sugar is in your Sugar Crush will help you to make a better alternative choice in replacement.
… you’ll receive more tools, tips, and information to help “eliminate” the stress, embarrassment and overwhelm with your digestive health and struggles with Breaking up with your Sugar Crush when you sign up for our Healthy Gut “Digest" .
Curb Sugar Cravings!
Stop the Mindless Binge Sessions!
and Break Up with Sugar for Good -
Without the Rebound!
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